As a frequent request of people - in the author's magnum design. Weapon comes with an eye REDDOT and silver textures. Model "number" contains the insane rarity - a model with a shield.
MEGA PACK is BR2 in two versions. Unlike the majority of these assemblies, where the models varies only 1-2 parts, this PAC contains two completely different models of weapons.
Sten in the author's design. Option spetsnaz weapons teroristov with a lot of tuning. Yes, the trunk of the old and the new body kit looks weird, but that's the beauty - a combination of old and new
Chetyrehstvolka in remaking a sniper rifle. All four of the barrel was lengthened, the weapon was necessary optics, bipod for comfortable shooting, and some other improvements. Weapons traditionally has centered model, all V_modeli have the option of black hands + all textures are improved and made in HD.
Thompson - the author's design. Weapons fitted with chrome optic, front sight is replaced by an ordinary hologram, a new muffler. Weapons transplanted to a new animation. The hands were extended in order to avoid the effect of short-hand for reloading.
Glock Customs - authentic Glock model customized for different weapons in kc. Taken as a basis for models of real prototypes pistols with proprietary nozzles and skirts that convert Glock pistol in a sub-machine gun, sniper rifle, etc.